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Bach Counselling Articles
Methods of Counselling
Parenting- 8 Tips to Manage Your Stress!
Parenting can be challenging at the best of times and now, many parents are finding themselves at home, working remotely and attempting to parent and school their children all at the same time!
Voo Breathing: A Quick Guide to Managing Anxiety
Have you ever heard of Voo Breathing? Neither had I, until I came across Dr. Peter Levine’s Voo Breathing. Dr. Levine is a world-renowned industry leader in the study and treatment of trauma. The idea is that we do some deep belly breathing, focus our attention on our breath and in a deep fog horn voice exhale with the word, “voooooo”.
How Anxiety Can Affect Your Relationships
Let’s get this straight: Anxiety is normal. It’s healthy. It makes us aware of danger, heightens concerns, and boosts our response to keep us safe. But while anxiety is natural, how you respond to it can become problematic within your relationships, intimate and otherwise. The research is clear that healthy relationships are the most powerful predictor of long-term health.
Preparing for Online Counselling
Virtual counselling uses secure and user friendly technology to create major shifts in clients’ emotional health. It has been successfully utilized by many and now you can ensure your safety and continue your counselling from the comfort of your own home.
What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)?
Cognitive-behavioral therapy emphasizes thinking in how we feel about what we do. In short, our thoughts play a key role in influencing what we feel and do. CBT is considered to be a shorter term, and therefore more cost-effective therapy that has been well supported in the research.
What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories (Shapiro, 1989a, 1989b). EMDR is a transformative process that brings old negative and distressing memories to neutral ground. After successful treatment with EMDR, affective distress and symptoms are relieved, and negative beliefs are reformulated. After 16 published studies, EMDR is in the “A” category for treatment of trauma. It is now considered a mainstream method of treatment, critical in working with clients experiencing post trauma.
Mindfulness & Anxiety
Re-Launch: Pandemic-Proof Ways to Excel this Semester
Our weekly gathering will support you in increasing your coping strategies and skills to stay on track this semester. We’ll be offering tips and strategies
Ask Heather – Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is backed by science and it is such a great resource that is often overlooked when it comes to treating anxiety.
Preparing for Online Counselling
Virtual counselling uses secure and user friendly technology to create major shifts in clients’ emotional health. It has been successfully utilized by many and now
5 Ideas to make this Season a Little Sweeter!
With BC in a second lockdown phase and our holiday gatherings under a ban, it’s no doubt that this December is going to present new
Back to School Transition? Tips for you!
This new normal has parents confused as to whether this is the correct step forward for them and their family. Each family is dealing with
5 Ways To Boost Your Resiliency
To say these times are challenging is an understatement. We are facing the complexity of a pandemic, political unrest, socio-economic uncertainty, and a diverse set
Keeping your Healthy Mind in the Right Place
Anxiety and stress are natural and healthy responses to uncertainty and perceived danger; there is no reason to be “alarmed” about feeling alarmed!
Parenting Kids During A Pandemic – COVID-19
Parenting can be challenging at the best of times and now, many parents are finding themselves at home, working remotely and attempting to parent and
Taking Care of Your Emotional Health
It is natural to feel stress, anxiety, grief, and worry during and after a disaster. Everyone reacts differently, and your feelings will change over time.
5 Strategies for Anxiety Relief
Here are some tools to help manage the uncomfortable sensations and thoughts that accompany anxiety.
Healthy Mindful Parent, Healthy Mindful Child?
Here are 7 tips that will help reduce the stress and set you on your path towards being the mindful, calmer parent you always imagined
8 tips to eliminate Emotional Eating during the holidays
Most emotional eaters dread the holiday season with its treats, food focused social events and hyper buffets. That’s because food is the socially acceptable addiction,
Returning to School With Hope and a Little Dread? You’re Not Alone.
According to a 2018 American Psychological Association study, unhealthy levels of stress are on the rise and the ability of our youth to cope is
7 Steps to Improve your Sleep
We all know that too often sleep either doesn’t come easily or for last long enough. A recent National Sleep Foundation poll found that adults
10 Tips On Healthy Mindful Separation
You have decided to make the difficult step to separate. You’ve decided to be mindful and collaborative in your separation. Now, how do you tell
5 Tips on Healthy Eating this Summer
As the weather warms, we turn our attention to being outdoors and away from the kitchen. These simple ideas will help focus your meal preparation
Stress Out: Strategies to Move beyond Stress
Cameron Gibson is speaking at our local high schools helping youth deal with stress! Cameron has spoken about mindfulness and the strategies to move beyond
3 ways to Quiet Calm Amygdala: Decrease Anxiety in Uncertain Times
Now, perhaps more than ever, we need to look after our mental health and equip ourselves with the information and strategies to manage our mood,
5 Tips to Make Your Holiday Season Better
Although the COVID-19 situation improved compared to last year, holiday celebrations will still be faced with some challenges. Whether you’re adjusting your holiday plans for
7 Steps to Improve your Sleep
We all know that too often sleep either doesn’t come easily or last long enough. A recent National Sleep Foundation poll found that adults need
Mindfulness: How Can It Help Me?
Cameron Gibson, part of the BCG counselling team, speaks on Youth & Mindfulness at the Hope Centre’s Mental Health Breakfast on Jan 12th. In his
8 Tips for Success With Online Learning
So you or someone you love is a student working online….at the clinic we find that students have been hit pretty hard with mental health
How Anxiety Can Affect Your Relationships
Let’s get this straight: Anxiety is normal. It’s healthy. It makes us aware of danger, heightens concerns, and boosts our response to keep us safe.
Voo Breathing: A Quick Guide to Managing Anxiety
Have you ever heard of Voo Breathing? Neither had I, until I came across Dr. Peter Levine’s Voo Breathing. Dr. Levine is a world-renowned industry
Parenting- 8 Tips to Manage Your Stress!
Parenting can be challenging at the best of times and now, many parents are finding themselves at home, working remotely and attempting to parent and
Coping with COVID-19
5 Ideas to make this Season a Little Sweeter!
With BC in a second lockdown phase and our holiday gatherings under a ban, it’s no doubt that this December is going to present new
Preparing for Online Counselling
Virtual counselling uses secure and user friendly technology to create major shifts in clients’ emotional health. It has been successfully utilized by many and now
5 Ways To Boost Your Resiliency
To say these times are challenging is an understatement. We are facing the complexity of a pandemic, political unrest, socio-economic uncertainty, and a diverse set
Parenting Kids During A Pandemic – COVID-19
Parenting can be challenging at the best of times and now, many parents are finding themselves at home, working remotely and attempting to parent and
Taking Care of Your Emotional Health
It is natural to feel stress, anxiety, grief, and worry during and after a disaster. Everyone reacts differently, and your feelings will change over time.
Returning to School With Hope and a Little Dread? You’re Not Alone.
According to a 2018 American Psychological Association study, unhealthy levels of stress are on the rise and the ability of our youth to cope is
3 ways to Quiet Calm Amygdala: Decrease Anxiety in Uncertain Times
Now, perhaps more than ever, we need to look after our mental health and equip ourselves with the information and strategies to manage our mood,
How Anxiety Can Affect Your Relationships
Let’s get this straight: Anxiety is normal. It’s healthy. It makes us aware of danger, heightens concerns, and boosts our response to keep us safe.
Voo Breathing: A Quick Guide to Managing Anxiety
Have you ever heard of Voo Breathing? Neither had I, until I came across Dr. Peter Levine’s Voo Breathing. Dr. Levine is a world-renowned industry
Parenting- 8 Tips to Manage Your Stress!
Parenting can be challenging at the best of times and now, many parents are finding themselves at home, working remotely and attempting to parent and
Re-Launch: Pandemic-Proof Ways to Excel this Semester
Our weekly gathering will support you in increasing your coping strategies and skills to stay on track this semester. We’ll be offering tips and strategies
Preparing for Online Counselling
Virtual counselling uses secure and user friendly technology to create major shifts in clients’ emotional health. It has been successfully utilized by many and now
Back to School Transition? Tips for you!
This new normal has parents confused as to whether this is the correct step forward for them and their family. Each family is dealing with
5 Ways To Boost Your Resiliency
To say these times are challenging is an understatement. We are facing the complexity of a pandemic, political unrest, socio-economic uncertainty, and a diverse set
Parenting Kids During A Pandemic – COVID-19
Parenting can be challenging at the best of times and now, many parents are finding themselves at home, working remotely and attempting to parent and
Healthy Mindful Parent, Healthy Mindful Child?
Here are 7 tips that will help reduce the stress and set you on your path towards being the mindful, calmer parent you always imagined
Returning to School With Hope and a Little Dread? You’re Not Alone.
According to a 2018 American Psychological Association study, unhealthy levels of stress are on the rise and the ability of our youth to cope is
4 Tips for parenting your child with ADHD
Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental health conditions in children according to Statistics Canada. It is characterized by inattention,
10 Tips On Healthy Mindful Separation
You have decided to make the difficult step to separate. You’ve decided to be mindful and collaborative in your separation. Now, how do you tell
7 Steps to Improve your Sleep
We all know that too often sleep either doesn’t come easily or last long enough. A recent National Sleep Foundation poll found that adults need
Mindfulness: How Can It Help Me?
Cameron Gibson, part of the BCG counselling team, speaks on Youth & Mindfulness at the Hope Centre’s Mental Health Breakfast on Jan 12th. In his
How Anxiety Can Affect Your Relationships
Let’s get this straight: Anxiety is normal. It’s healthy. It makes us aware of danger, heightens concerns, and boosts our response to keep us safe.
Voo Breathing: A Quick Guide to Managing Anxiety
Have you ever heard of Voo Breathing? Neither had I, until I came across Dr. Peter Levine’s Voo Breathing. Dr. Levine is a world-renowned industry
Parenting- 8 Tips to Manage Your Stress!
Parenting can be challenging at the best of times and now, many parents are finding themselves at home, working remotely and attempting to parent and
Preparing for Online Counselling
Virtual counselling uses secure and user friendly technology to create major shifts in clients’ emotional health. It has been successfully utilized by many and now
Together We Can Eliminate Racial Discrimination
While more research is needed about how mindfulness can reduce implicit bias over the long term, studies out of the University of Michigan show the
6 tips for taking care of your relationship
“People who work on their relationships and stay in relationships are happier”, explains Dr. Waldinger in summarizing the Harvard Study of Adult Development that followed
8 Ways to Reconnect With Your Partner
How do we nurture our relationships and stay with our partners? After over 20 years of working with individuals and couples, I see common patterns
Happy Relationships: Tips on Taking Care Of Your Relationship?
In our hurried lives filled with children, work, activities, and smart phones, time together requires planning. Many of the couples in counselling simply are not
How Anxiety Can Affect Your Relationships
Let’s get this straight: Anxiety is normal. It’s healthy. It makes us aware of danger, heightens concerns, and boosts our response to keep us safe.
Voo Breathing: A Quick Guide to Managing Anxiety
Have you ever heard of Voo Breathing? Neither had I, until I came across Dr. Peter Levine’s Voo Breathing. Dr. Levine is a world-renowned industry
Parenting- 8 Tips to Manage Your Stress!
Parenting can be challenging at the best of times and now, many parents are finding themselves at home, working remotely and attempting to parent and