In Clinic or Online Counselling

We provide both virtual and in office counselling services. Our online counselling security is governed by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).  This security standard ensures your privacy is protected. Our commitment to keeping you, our staff and members of the community safe is our top priority while we remain fully available to you.

Counselling is an invaluable service especially in times of uncertainty.

Video-based virtual or phone counselling is an extremely effective method to address anxiety, personal issues, and relationship matters.  We are very familiar and skilled with this model for counselling and confident you will benefit from continuing counselling or starting your counselling with us.

We continue to closely monitor the Covid-19 pandemic as things evolve and we will update our response accordingly. We ask for your patience and grace as we move through this unchartered territory together.

How do I prepare for my virtual counselling appointment?

*We will get back to you within 24 hours